The T-44 proved a tough nut to crack. Neither the Soviet 85 mm gun nor the German 8.8 cm Pak 43 could penetrate the upper front plate even from 100 meters. The lower front plate could not be penetrated by the 85 mm gun either, but the 88 mm gun managed to break it off after several hits. Despite the welding giving out, the protection was much better than that of the T-34-85, comparable to the Panther.
"Firing trials against the armoured hull resulted the complete destruction of the following welding seams:
- Upper front plate and left side
- Lower front plate and left side
- Idler carrier and sides
- Hull roof and left side
The welding seam between the hull roof and right side was destroyed by 80%.
The overall view of the hull from the front after trials is show in figure 21.
Photo 21. Overall view of the hull from the front after trials.