State Order of Lenin Izhor Factory
January 21st, 1941
Production data for 1940:
State Order of Lenin Izhor Factory
January 21st, 1941
Production data for 1940:
- KV turrets (cast): 4
- KV turrets (75 mm): 7 in the first quarter
Average amount of workers:
- In 1939: 12,293
- In 1940 (plan): 13,700
- Actual: 13,424
75 mm thick KV hull and turret:
Actual proficiency timeline:
- May 1940: development of working blueprints.
- June 1940: development of the technological mass production process.
- August 1939: production of an experimental prototype.
Transition to mass production:
- January 1940: confirmation and development of technical conditions, stamps, instruments, and devices.
- February 1940: production of stamps, instruments, and devices.
- January 1940: development of casting and forging for mass production.
- Production of first batch planned for 1st quarter."